Sunday, July 10, 2011

#173 - Sunday Group Ride

Obligatory shot of quarry

Original picture by Randy .... guess what is the title of this pic ....
hehehe 'Stolen Shot'

NoLights Louie busy with InstaGram while waiting for the rest

Brother Louie on the way to try his levitation technique

Resting at the summit

Dead motorcycle in Rooty Trail

I think the Eastern boys finally had their fill
of Pulau Ubin and Tampines Trail and so the
venue for today's group ride is Bukit Timah.
Yayyyyy !!!!

Everything was off to a good start as the peloton
assembled at Velocity in Novena just a little bit after
8AM. Breakfast was at 6th Avenue.

Everything went like clockwork. If this group ride
was a battle, I would have said there were no prisoners
taken and no quarters asked. Good thing there were
no newbies in the attendees.

Once the BT loop was cleared, everybody was
off to ZH Park and then to Rooty Trail.
At the exit of Rooty Trail there was talk of
having an early lunch but the leading uncles
said no to the walking wounded (AKA ElGuapo)
and that was that.

So we all went to up the summit via Gangsa and
went to the new trail on the right (instead of going
straight ahead) to get some experience of cornering
on natural berms.

At the first stream, NoLights Louie's patient,
ElGuapo, complained about hurting both left and
right shoulders as well as his spinal column (??!!!).
NL Louie showed her some stretching techniques
she learned in Electrical Eng'g and ElGuapo was
good to go.

Finally, a looonnggg lunch was had by all
at Sembawang Hill Hawker Centre.

After lunch, all of them went to YioChuKang
Road and I was left alone to cycle home :-(

Anyway, before I got home I took a picture of this
new bikeshop in Novena. This bikeshop is just
one block away from TEF. The shop's name is Elite
and they are selling ... no surprises here : Elite bikes.


  1. I've chanced upon your blog and I must say, you're one ultra addicted all-weather hardcore trail-er!
    Keep your posts coming in, it's extremely insightful and action-provoking. I hope I can achieve half your level of fanaticism!

  2. Hey there ! hehehe I didn't realise I'm already looking like a fanatic mountain biker LOL ! Thanks for the kind words though and if ever you see me in the trails around Singapore do say 'Hi!' - Monjie's Hobbies
