Saturday, July 9, 2011

#172 : Saturday Ride

My alarm clock went off at 6:30am today.
However, the resolve that I had last night of
doing a looonnnggg ride to and from Pulau Ubin
was badly eroded by what I saw out of my window.
It was still dark ... the spirit is willing but
the flesh is weak ... and so I told myself
'maybe another day' and went back to sleep

I woke up again at 8:30am and now I was feeling
up to the task of mountain biking. I didn't bother
sms-ing Roadie Rio and StairRider Deck since
I know they would have met earlier and might
be finished with their breakfast now and most
probably hitting the trails at Bukit Timah.

After wolfing down a proper breakfast of pasta
prepared by my long suffering wife (Hi Jen :-)  ), I went
and cycled to Rifle Range Road. I was thinking of
doing the BT loop but there's supposed to be a
group ride tomorrow and I thought I better
reserve some energy for that.

I skipped the BT loop, went up RRR and went to
ZH Park. Once there, I saw Lightning Lito schooling
some guys on trail bikes as to why a hardtail with
a capable rider is unbeatable in Sg trails :-)

I asked Lito if he's seen my friends and since the
answer is a negative, I gave SR Deck a call which
was unanswered and an sms detailing my route.

I went to the Personal Challenge, reverse Flowy Trail,
down Gangsa, up to the Summit, went right to the
'mango' trees and went to reverse Rooty trail.

After Rooty trail I went back to ZH Park and lo and behold!
I saw Roadie Rio cycling in circles without SR Deck!
Apparently, SR Deck has a sore throat and smsed
Roadie Rio that he can't come.

Roadie Rio and I completed what was left of the BT loop
and separated near the Visitor Centre carpark. He is
still supposed to do one more lap.

Anyway, for those going to the group ride tomorrow,
above is what you can expect of Rooty Trail. As
SR Deck describes it, it's just a flat trail with not too
many roots hehehehe.

Below this is a video I found in Vimeo of 2 guys
on XC bikes. Watch it for inspiration :-)

Introducing the 2012 Element Alloy 26 and 29 from Rocky Mountain Bicycles on Vimeo.


  1. and the best tires for a wet rooty trail are crossmarks!?!? quote from SR Deck
