Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Eye Protector and Silicon Case for GoPro Hero

Prince Eye Protector

As usual, I got suckered again. I reviewed StairRider Deck's Oakley
Radar Path and being stingy (hehehe) I said that there are better ways of
spending your money and that I should be ok with those XLoop
shades being sold in 7-11.

I did buy one of those XLoop Shades for just 20$. This is a double whammy 
as I realised that similar 'eye protectors' are sold at the Beach Road Army
Market for 7$ only. ... and guess what, after buying it, I stashed it away
because I managed to epoxy my 1998 Oakley Minute. 2 months later when
I was going to use it for the first time.... it cracked! In two places!
It was very muddy in T15 then! I had to dodge all the flying dirt being
thrown by my front wheels! #$@! XLoop Shades!

But while loitering around Mustafa last week I saw these Prince EyeProtectors.
They are for racquet sports (squash, etc.). So they should be good. Only
thing is they are clear. That works for me. Also if you have been buying all sorts
of anti-fog sprays, forget about it. The only thing that will ensure your
lenses don't get fogged is 1. go fast and/or 2. lenses should be well ventilated.

Going fast could be a problem with me but these lenses are very well ventilated.
I have yet to experience fogging on these eye protectors. They also
come with straps so that they don't sort of dangle in front of
your face. Best of all, they are only 23$ !

XSories Silicon Case for GoPro Hero HD

The Silicon Case above is actually for the HD version of
GoPro Hero. What I have is the GoPro Hero Wide Angle.
The holes are exactly the same... except that I think
the HD is a bit bigger than the Wide Angle version. This Silicon
Case is actually larger than my Wide Angle camera.

I decided to write this 'review' because I believe this Silicon Case
just saved my camera from being mangled by a branch that decided
to attack me in BT. The wayward branch left green and brown marks
on the base of the camera that's attached to my helmet, I was actually
almost separated from my bike due to the impact but there was
not even a scratch on the camera. The only thing that happened was the
camera tilted backwards.

If you have a GoPro Hero, go and buy this Silicon Case. It's just around
25$ at CRC. This surely beats the price of a new case in case
you crack it.

1 comment:

  1. You also have the option of picking the ones that cover the phone completely or partially with the former being the better option as it protects the entire device. These should feature a cushion inside that protects the phone from scratches.

    Head Case Designs
