Friday, August 12, 2011

#189 - Nite Ride

I saw this flyer of a GoldSprint to be done at
Esplanade on 12-14 August. I thought to myself :
'Huh?! What's a GoldSprint?' ... and since I have
been thinking of trying on a fixie bike,
it seems this is a good opportunity for me
to go and have myself introduced to this hip world
of fixies and their skinny jeans clad riders.

The guys organizing the GoldSprint have a big
tent at Esplanade just behind MakanSutra. There
were lots of fixie riders. There were shirts, helmets,
and other stuff for sale... there's even supposed to be
a swap meet! There are these mock ups of urban sceneries
where you can pose your bike and have its picture taken...
and last but definitely the centerpiece of the whole event,
there's this stage with 2 fixie bikes without front wheels.

Of course, I got intrigued! What are those 2 bikes
without front wheels doing there? So me and my
bike mate approached for a closer look... we were
just going to look... really! Then here comes this
guy with a microphone and before you know it
I was on the stage and on one of the bikes and
I was going to compete on the GoldSprint!

Wow! I think those fixie guys must be wondering
which mountain I came from. That fixie bike thing
was really hard to pedal in the beginning. I had to
stand and stomp on the pedals. Then the DJ told
me not to stand... I think they're concerned that I
might endo? Then I was pitted against another
guy and we were supposed to sprint for 200m.

All the while people must be seeing question
marks over my head. I was thinking, is it safe
to do this without a helmet? hehehehe. Why is
there a strap on the pedal? I didn't even need to ask
that, one of the guys must have read my mind and
guided my feet onto the straps. Once I was strapped,
I pedalled, found it hard, so I stood up and mashed.
To my surprise the rear of the bike moved sideways.
I asked the DJ : 'What was that???' He said
'It's ok, it will straighten BUT don't stand,
don't get out of the saddle'... I said ok.
One guy supported my fork and another guy
supported my opponent's fork.
... and we're off!!

I remembered they told not to get out of the
saddle, so I didn't. I can see my opponent
really letting it all out ... and then it was over...
I lost?! LOL! I shook hands with my opponent
... and got out of the bike ... I scratched my head
at everything that transpired ... then I took pictures
of my bike and the other nice fixies that were there.

If you have time this weekend, head on out
to Esplanade and check out the GoldSprint.
Lots of cool bikes, cool people, cool stuff for sale
... and from what I read, they're giving out
a fixie bike if you win the GoldSprint :-)

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