Sunday, January 19, 2014

#276 - Sunday Ride

Butterfly Trail
Now that I know where the Green Corridor starts,
I think it is a good idea to start from there and cycle
all the way to Rifle Range Road as a warm-up.
So as I was cycling through the Corridor, I was
thinking if I should go to T15 or Butterfly Trail.
Ahhh Butterfly Trail, I can actually use that name
now instead of Rooty Trail :-)
Just thinking that made  me decide to choose
Butterfly Trail over T15. Anyway, as I was cycling
through BF, I noticed lots and lots of reverse traffic!
It is evident that nobody was going the same direction
as I since I was going sooooo sloooowwww and yet
nobody was overtaking me.
I finally got to the point where I need to climb this
singletrack to get to the mango trees (yes, I know
they are NOT mango trees but they look like one).
The trail was blocked ! Instead there is now a trail that
leads to the left .... and much of the trail is uphill
over seriously big roots!
This section loops back to the entrance of Butterfly Trail
 Now I know why people are favouring the reverse route!
If you go the reverse route, the start is mostly downhill.
Hehehehe next week I'll bring my Giant Reign with big
big tires ;-)
P.S. - I just remembered. If you take the open area from the
direction of Zheng Hwa Park going back to Rifle Range Road,
please be careful with the 'jumps' there. My friends and I called
for an ambulance for a guy who took a spill over there.
I have seen countless accidents over at that place.
Refer to pic below for the area that I am talking about.
Riders are heading towards direction of RRR.
The 'jump' is downhill somewhere at the middle of this pic.

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